Slayer Framework Tutorial

Slayer makes use of the Behave Python library to run test cases. So, very much like Behave, Slayer will look for a folder called “features” and a “steps” sub-folder inside it for feature files and the steps implementation, respectively. You can consult the Behave documentation for more information.


Let’s go trough a simple example. Let’s create a test that opens the Wikipedia webpage and searches for the term “Behavior Driven Development”

  • Import Slayer in your project
  • Install the Chrome webdriver
  • Create a WikipediaPage class, that we’ll use to automate our test. In the root of your project create a Python script “”:
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from slayer.lib.common.web.page_object import PageObject

class WikipediaPage(PageObject):
    url = ""
    # Locators
    page_title = (By.CLASS_NAME, "svg-Wikipedia_wordmark")
    search_bar = (By.ID, "searchInput")
    search_button = (By.XPATH, '//*[@id="search-form"]/fieldset/button')
    search_result_title = (By.XPATH, '//*[@id="firstHeading"]')

    def __init__(self, webdriver):

    def validate_page(self):

    def search_for(self, query):

    def get_search_result_title(self):
        return self.find_element(*self.search_result_title).text
  • Add a new directory called “features” in your root, and create a file “wikipedia.feature”, and paste the following:
Feature: Open the Wikipedia webpage and perform a search

  Scenario Outline: My first Slayer test
    Given I open a browser
    And I navigate to the Wikipedia page
    When I search for the text '<search_query>'
    Then I see in the page '<search_result>'
    | search_query                | search_result                 |
    | Python language             | Python (programming language) |
    | Behavior Driven Development | Behavior-driven development   |
  • Add a new directory “steps” inside “features”, and create a Python script “”:
import logging
import time
from behave import step
from selenium import webdriver
from tutorial.wikipedia_page import WikipediaPage

@step("I open a browser")
def step_impl(context, maximized=True):
    context.driver = webdriver.Chrome()
    if maximized:

@step("I navigate to the Wikipedia page")
def step_impl(context):
    context.wikipedia_page = WikipediaPage(context.driver)"Navigating to the Wikipedia page")

@step("I see in the page '{search_text}'")
def step_impl(context, search_text):"Searching for the text '{}'".format(search_text))
  • In your main script, import Slayer and run it:

And that’s it! Slayer runs your test! You will find the output for the execution inside the “output” folder that Slayer creates automatically.

Modifying the Slayer execution

Slayer uses configuration files to setup the execution options. These options include output folders, logging format, and proxy compatibility. The default Slayer configuration files are shown below.

Slayer configuration: config.cfg

path = output

# Logs path will be inside the output folder
path = logs

# artifacts path will be inside the output folder
path = artifacts

http_proxy =
https_proxy =
no_proxy =

Slayer logging: logger.yaml

version: 1
disable_existing_loggers: True
  # Add a new formatter if it's needed by your application
    format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
    datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    format: '      %(asctime)s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
    datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    class: logging.StreamHandler
    level: INFO
    formatter: in_console
    stream: ext://sys.stdout
    class: logging.StreamHandler
    level: WARN
    formatter: in_console
    stream: ext://sys.stderr
    class: logging.FileHandler
    level: INFO
    formatter: basic
    filename: output.log
    mode: a
    encoding: utf-8
  level: INFO
  propagate: False
  handlers: [console, error_console, file]

Provide your own configuration files to Slayer

The config.cfg and logger.yaml files describe the default behavior for Slayer. But you can change Slayer works by providing the path and filename for your own configuration and logger files, by providing any of these two arguments in your execution.

<execution command> --framework-config <custom_config_file> --logs-config <custom_logger_file>

For example, if your main script is called, and your configuration files are called “my_config.cfg” and “my_logger.yaml”:

python --framework-config my_config.cfg --logs-config my_logger.yaml

Slayer will run, but instead of using the default configuration, it will use your own configuration files.


The logger file specifies the options for the Python default logger. The options defined are read as a dict and passed as option in a logging.config.dictConfig call. Please refer to the logging configuration for more details and available options

Behave execution

Slayer configures the behave execution before running the tests. But this configuration can be overridden by providing the framework with a behave.ini file. The default file define the following options:

In effect, all options defined in this file are default behave options.

If you want to define your own options, create a file called “behave.ini”, and provide Slayer with the path to this file: Following the previous example:

python --behave-config <path_to_behave_ini_file>

By default, Slayer will look for the “behave.ini” file in the same folder your main script is located, so you do not need to use this argument if your ini file is located there.


Refer to the Behave Parameters documentation for information on available parameters.